Tuesday, January 29, 2013

CV or Resume!!! What are the differences ???

The word CV and Resume are often used  interchangeably to each other.  What do you think,  Is it justifiable???  .

Well, the answer is NO !!!.

I made a small study, here is the summary.

A Curriculum Vitae (meaning course of life in Latin) can be distinguished in many ways with Resume. Perhaps the most significant divergence of the two is in their usage.

1)      Usage:
Generally, Resumes are considered appropriate while applying for jobs in private and public business. Whereas CV is a preferred document within the academic fields such as teaching, awards, professing, publication and research.

2)      Length:
CV is generally long, ranging from five to ten of even more pages!! It gives the employer a bigger picture of your achievements . While Resume is brief, succinct, and precise. Sometimes Resume is often considered to be a condensed from of CV.

3)      Purpose:
CV is typically sought for while applying positions related to academic field. Also, the use of CV is deemed appropriate while applying for high level positions where one considers applying for a ‘Career’ rather than a ‘Job’. Where the employer has no such preference and you are applying for entry level position, use of Resume can be more effective (also time saving!!!)

4)      Preference:
CV is more preferred in Europe and other parts of the world. Most US companies prefer making use of Resume (also Universities). In case of Nepal, the use of CV is most popular.

(PS: plz comment if any correction is to be made )

Friday, January 25, 2013

Wanting to be a Blogger :)

It has been quiet a long period of time that I had desired of becoming a blogger. Flourishing a learning conducive environment among friends was one of the basic reason which inspired me for Blogging.Time and again I thought of  this fact. Yes, things do not go smoothly as expected until and unless the very decision come from the inner core of you heart with zeal or self-motivation. However it is often said, Better Late Than Never.And here now, by today itself I determined to give a extra effort to realize my desire of becoming blogger.

Meanwhile, I have nothing to share at this prompt moment. I shall compose something very soon.

As Nepal at this time is suffering with a severe power-cut, I should manage to save and post this One before the electricity goes off(some 5 minutes left :D) . So with a positive hope to continue blogging in days to come, I shall stop at this moment.


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