Saturday, September 27, 2014

Being Unethical: Is it a gradual process ?

Picture Credits: Wikipedia

Ethics is often referred to as a grey area, especially when we talk about it in correlation with business. However those who are adamant that ethics should be integral part of business opine that ethics though is an abstract concept, should be put forth as Blank and White area. Most of the time people are aware about what is ethical and what is not. However what is that very thing which drive people away from being ethical? Let’s analyses.

Reference Cases:
1) After I enter into my MBA class, it is implied that cell phones should be kept silent or switched off. This was strictly followed during some of the earlier classes. However, after some days, we started using cellphones within class for messaging, using email and internet etc. Since this act wasn't being interrupted by faculty members, there was more lax. And finally some of us started even receiving calls in classes.
2) Our hostel mess serves single banana per meal. But as I am fond of it, I am keen to get some extra bananas. But this is not possible in ethical way. So I started to take one right in the beginning(and have it) and another right after lunch saying that I didn't take it previously. And what next, I even tried getting more when the mess servers are busy.
What generalization we can develop from these two simple real life cases is that "being unethical is a gradual process and if unethical behavior is not checked/interrupted, we tend to become more unethical".

Why is it so? 
A person who commits small unethical act will be motivated when he/she performs that task. This will bring on him/her a sense of achievement or accomplishment because of being able to disobey the law. It will also enhance on you a feeling that you won't get caught and it's easier for you to master such unethical practices.  It will make the doer comfortable about that, and before you know, it snowballs into something vehemently large. This tendency of committing one unethical task after another will lead to a vicious cycle of being unethical and we become a total corrupt.
Though I assume that whether you commit a small degree of unethical activity or a huge degree of unethical activity, the jurisdiction is the same: you end up doing something unethical. However, it is the society that defines whether an activity is ethical is or not, based on the perception of the larger size of the population. So sometimes society may forgive small degree of unethical practices as being a normal act. But we should be conscious of whether or not that lax has been promoting our society to be more unethical.
Many of the business scandal that were followed in recent history follow the same trend. They being from something small and finally end up with something really uncontrollable unethical practices. While they manage to cheat something small in one round, they might be willing to cheat a bit more in another round and most likely a really a big in the upcoming rounds. And this is because of the organization's behavior of  not paying attention to the small issues signaling that it is willing to tolerate a level of questionable behavior. For reference:
  •  Modoff Ponzi scheme started when he covered relatively small financial losses. Later on, over the period of 15 years, the scam grew in manifold time and finally reaching a galloping figure of $65 billion. 
  • The same is in case for World Phone hacking scandal. 
  • Collapse of Enron etc
The beginning of most corrupt practices is a lower one. Most of the time we begin with small practices like taking away of office equipment, hiking of transportation expenses, labeling of personal meeting as official visit and son on. And this trend can be identified as a serious problem for the future of the business world. The case is more serious (and interesting) as a recent survey conducted by reveals the following findings: 

  • About 73 % of surveyed Americans employed full time reported ethical lapses on the    job, 36% said they were distracted by such an incident.
  • Young workers, from 18-34, reported substantially higher levels of witnessing ethical lapses and being distracted than middle-aged and older workers.

As such we can observe it vividly that if we do not take proper corrective actions/measures instantly, the future of business world and the society in which we will be jeopardized and our ethical and moral standards will degenerate. 

World Forum For Ethics in Business

(for reference about systematic procedure to address unethical practices in an organization, refer to another BlogSpot on ethics) 

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