Thursday, September 18, 2014

Early Phase of Globalization : Phase II

The second phase of globalization covers the period between 1850 AD to 1914 AD. It is marked by the period of extensive internalization of science, commerce, transportation and communication in the middle of the nineteenth century. As such, this phase is also known as "The Age of Transnational Integration".

We can make a study of second phase of globalization based on following four topics:

1. Marvellous Inventions: 
During the second half of the 19th century, world saw the advent of advancement major technological findings that would largely shape the future of the world. Invention of Train system, Postal system and Steam Engines. All these inventions facilitated the integration of the world in an speedy way. These inventions shaped people expectation regarding the future of the integrated world.

2. Flow of Capital and Goods:
We can also identify this phase as one in which there was a cross-national flow of investment capital. This phase of history was marked by an enhanced colonized system that also aided the globalization of business and economic development of colonies. Great Britain investment in its colonies: America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would later-on facilitate economic development. Also there was extensive flow of goods in this period: the international voyage of goods from India (Asia) to Great Britain (Europe), Canada to Britain, Australia to Britain, etc.  Similarly other colonies based in Europe exploited the vast resources of Africa, to their benefit. However this vast integration of world economies was changed after first world war, which to some extent disrupted the chains of globalization.

3. Establishment of Global facilitating Institutions: 
The proliferation of social organization in this phase: The Scout(1901), Rotary, The Red Cross(1863), The Salvation Army (1865), Olympic games, Nobel prize etc would later prove as a facilitating mechanism for the integration of the whole world.  Also it was visualised that the world would need a global language for regulating and enhancing future global trade. Developed in Poland by Zamenhof', the language was called Esperanto(1887) , which though did not develop enormously, was overtaken by English as language of globalization.  

4. Promotion of notion of Free Competition and Global Integration:
Organizations like Olympic games(1896), FIFA (1904)  developed a common platform to bring together global population together,  and compete for the better international relations among nations. This helped to promote the feeling of competition while also favoring co-operation and harmony among the global population. As such, the basic lifeline of Globalization, i.e free competition, was popularised in second phase. Also they promoted humanitarian ideals and belief in the value of knowledge.

Hence we can conclude that second phase laid down those rudimentary framework which paved way for rapid and massive form of globalization in the third phase.

University of Texas @ Austin
The World is Flat 

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